Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance
International Worker's Compensation Coverage

Looking for DBA Insurance?

DBA insurance, or Defense Act Insurance, is a law that requires insurance coverage for employees working on a US Government Contract outside of the United States, Benefits workers can get from DBA include:

  • Disability compensation
  • Coverage for medical expenses
  • Death Benefits
Corporate, intermediaries or insurers
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Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance

International Worker's Compensation Coverage

Looking for DBA Insurance ?

DBA insurance, or Defense Act Insurance, is a law that requires insurance coverage for employees working on a US Government Contract outside of the United States, Benefits workers can get from DBA include:

Disability compensation.
Coverage for medical expenses.
Death benefits.

Corporates, intermediaries or insurers :

DBA providers
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Who is Covered Under DBA Insurance ?

The Defense Base Act Insurance applies to any employee, regardless of nationality, who :


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Is a subcontractor ( Prime Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the subcontractor has required DBA insurance )
Works with the private sector on US military bases or overseas on lands or in territories used by the US for military purposes.
Works on overseas contracts approved and funded by the US under the USAID Foreign Assistance Act .
Works on public work contracts with any US Government agency, including construction and services contracts in connection with national defense or with war outside the US .
Works for American employers providing welfare or similar services outside of the United States for the Armed Forces .


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Once you provide a complete form, you should be able to receive rates within a few days.

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Defense Base Act Insurance Benefits

We will help you find, comprehensivDBA Insurance Coverage and support
at the time of claims that include :

Statutory worker's comp benefits paid to employees, their dependents or medical providers in case of job-related fatalities or injuries.
Benefits are paid regardless of employer's responsibility for the injury.
Employers liability coverage for suits arising from work - related injury or illness, including negligence cliams.

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Types of DBA Coverage Provided

Defense Base Act Insurance  covers the following if workers on a government contract are killed or injured their employment.


Any government contractor who gets injured on the job is entitled to medical treatment by a physician of their choice or as the injury requires.

Burial benefits

Indemnity for loss of Wages and Income

Whether you were severely injured or killed while on the job, you can recover a portion of your wages.

Disability Benefits

Compensation for total disability is 2/3rds of the employee's average weekly earnings. In some cases, disability compensation can be paid out for life. Employees can get up to 2/3rds of their weekly earnings, up to a current maximum of $1,726.98 per week. Compensation is also available for partial loss of earnings.

Death Benefits

Allows surviving spouses and/or children to collect partial earnings from the deceased employee. In some cases, beneficiaries can receive payments for life under DBA permanent total disability and death benefits coverage. These payments can also be subject to annual cost of living adjustments. Half of an employee's weekly earnings are payable to the surviving spouse or to one child. Some may be eligible for 2/3rds of a deceased spouse's earnings if there are two or more surviving family members.

No Benefits

If a contractor is killed on the job and they
don't have qualifying dependents like a spouse or
children, they do not qualify for death benefits.


Any government contractor who gets injured on the job is entitled to medical treatment by a physician of their choice or as the injury requires.

Burial benefits

No Benefits

If a contractor is killed on the job and they
don't have qualifying dependents like a spouse or
children, they do not qualify for death benefits.

Indemnity for loss of Wages and Income

Whether you were severely injured or killed while on the job, you can recover a portion of your wages.

Disability Benefits

Compensation for total disability is 2/3rds of the employee's average weekly earnings. In some cases, disability compensation can be paid out for life. Employees can get up to 2/3rds of their weekly earnings, up to a current maximum of $1,726.98 per week. Compensation is also available for partial loss of earnings.

Death Benefits

Allows surviving spouses and/or children to collect partial earnings from the deceased employee. In some cases, beneficiaries can receive payments for life under DBA permanent total disability and death benefits coverage. These payments can also be subject to annual cost of living adjustments. Half of an employee's weekly earnings are payable to the surviving spouse or to one child. Some may be eligible for 2/3rds of a deceased spouse's earnings if there are two or more surviving family members.

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who is covered under dba insurance ?

The Defense Base Act Insurance applies to any employee , regardless of nationality , who :


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Defense Base Act Insurance FAQ's

What Does a Defense Base Act Insurance Policy Cover?

In general, Defense Base Act insurance coverage provides disability, medical, and death benefits to covered employees injured or killed in the course of employment.

What is the Difference Between DBA and Workers’ Comp Insurance?

Workers’ Compensation provides coverage for employees who get injured on the job. DBA acts as an extension of workers’ compensation insurance covering civilian employees working on US Government contracts overseas. DBA has special rules that govern its coverage policies. For instance, government contractors can only purchase DBA coverage from an insurer approved by the US Department of Labor.

While workers’ compensation laws can vary from country to country, DBA applies to US Federal Law, as all independent government contractors and government contracting agencies must obtain DBA coverage, including for locals and foreign nationals.

When is DBA Insurance Required?

You need Defense Base Act insurance for any public works contract you carry out overseas, unless you are operating in a waiver country and have obtained the local workers compensation scheme for your local national employees, or you have a waiver from the Secretary of the Department of Labor.

What Happens if I Don’t Obtain DBA Insurance?

Employers who don’t obtain DBA insurance could face steep penalties, including misdemeanor convictions, fines and possible jail time. For corporations, officers can be held responsible for not obtaining DBA benefits as stated under the law.

How Does a DBA Claim Work?

Notify your insurance carrier (or your claims administrator, if you’re self-insured) as soon as you become aware of an injury or death. Medical treatment should be authorized immediately if it is needed.

An Employer’s First Report of Injury, Form LS-202, must be filed with the OWCP within 10 days of the injury, if it causes loss of one or more work shifts. The Form LS- 202 may be filed electronically. Notice should be sent to DLHWC’s Central Case Create site below. This site creates cases for all new injuries, regardless of the location of injury or claimant’s home address. After the case is created, it is viewable electronically by the District Office with jurisdiction for the case.

U. S. Department of Labor
Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation
201 Varick Street, Room 740
Post Office Box 249
New York, NY 10014-0249

How Much Does DBA Insurance Cost?

The cost of your workers’ comp insurance depends on several factors, including but not limited to:

  • the location of your contract
  • the scope of the work involved
  • the size of your payroll
  • your DBA insurance loss history
  • the US government agency associated with your contract

Once the underwriter determines an effective DBA insurance rate, that rate equals the total cost of the payroll. To calculate your totals, use the equation below:

DBA Rate x Total Payroll = Annual DBA Cost

If you have a minimum cost or minimum premium due to small payroll exposure, this may not apply.

How Much Compensation Can Workers Collect on DBA?

DBA insurance lets government contract workers collect up to two-thirds of their weekly pay if they get injured on the job. While DBA doesn’t have a minimum compensation rate, the current maximum payout employees can receive is $1,030.78 per week. Weekly payouts are also available for partial loss of earnings. Additionally, DBA entitles injured employees to choose their own doctor when seeking medical treatment.

Is DBA Insurance an Allowable Cost?

Yes, DBA insurance is an allowable cost, but your reimbursement level may vary. Some contracts only allow for the most inexpensive plan technically acceptable, which generally only allow partial reimbursement. Other contracts list DBA coverage as a fully reimbursable expense. We have direct access to multiple carriers, so you can be certain you’re getting the lowest pricing.

Is DBA Insurance Required for Foreign Nationals?

Yes, foreign nationals are required to have Defense Base Act insurance. The exception would be if you are operating in a waiver country, and you have the local state scheme workers compensation. Individuals of any nationality may claim DBA benefits.

Can Workers Receive DBA Coverage in Hazardous Areas?

DBA coverage can also extends to government contractors stationed in hazardous areas internationally under the Special Dangers Doctrine. For instance, your DBA policy would cover your employees if you sent them base in Sierra Leone and they got injured in the building they were staying in due to poor housing conditions.

What is a DBA Waiver?

While government contractors must carry Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance, waivers allow both contracting agencies and independent contractors to purchase alternative workers’ compensation.

Who Can Qualify for a DBA Waiver?

Waivers must be approved by the Secretary of Labor. Waivers do not apply to US citizens, legal residents or any employees hired in the US. Check out the US Department of Labor’s website to learn more.

Those who can get approved for waivers include:

  • Local Country Nationals (as long as they’re not US citizens)Third-Party Nationals (Non-US expats)
  • Third-Party Nationals (Non-US expats)